1 Golden Key to Solve Physics Numericals

Tue Nov 30, 2021

Numericals in Physics are Hard

One question which I almost receive each and every day is Sir I can’t solve physics Numericals, I am failing to solve problems in physics, Sir please help I get demotivated.

See Suppose I want to cook food, and I enter into kitchen and try to make a dish.

Can I make it?

Obviously not whatever I will make will not even be in a condition to eat

Ok in 2 nd attempt will I be able to make it? Of course not, life is not that easy. BUT if I observe my mom on daily basis and see how she cooks, observe her in full detail, then there is a chance that I may be able to cook at least something. 

Same lies with Physics problems, you cannot solve problems firstly on your own. First you have to see your teacher and observe him how he is proceeding? How he is THINKING? How is he Reading the question? How he is Grasping the Data from the question? THE STEP ONE IS OBSERVING THESE FACTORS.

So Initially Observe and Get Realizations on HOW TO THINK. Once you have successfully observed your teacher for good amount of time (30-50 Numericals). Obviously, you know the PATH AND PROCESS OF SOLVING THE NUMERICAL. Then proceed on your own step by step.

It will take nearly 2 months of practice to develop an Intuition and skills which will help in problem solving.
First Train your MIND on HOW TO THINK
That can only be done with the help of teacher, All the best!

Rahul Jewaani