Self Study Vs Learning from Teachers

Sat Dec 4, 2021

The generation born after 2004 is uniquely passionate about each and every sense of life. They feel a unique sense of accomplishment when they do things on their own and its good too.

But taking science and cracking entrance exams is not that straight. First of all in entrance exams its not your score which matters (The percentage you scored), what matters is How many students you have defeated (The percentile you got). So obviously then the students who are trained and guided well by teachers win 99.9% of the times.
For e.g. – if you want to drink water in huge desert and there are two ways one in left, one in right and each road is 10km long and water is available in only one.
You have two options –
1) Ask someone where is water
2) Explore yourself.
2nd sounds cool! Right so you take a left turn and walk 10 kilometers and see there is no water and then come back for 10 kilometers and then take right and again walk for 10km and then you get water.
You see you lost soo much of your time? Right? You took 3x amount of time to reach your goals. Same happens when you study without the help of teacher. Imagine if you have asked a person where is water, you would have got it directly.
So whatever chapter you study whatever topic you study, First Learn from a teacher and then do self-study, that will give you 100% understanding and will boost your speed in understanding concepts.

Rahul Jewaani