Why is Physics soo hard?

Sun Nov 28, 2021

Most of the students always complain that Physics is hard.

They always fail to understand the concept, understand the derivation, formulas, MCQs, Numerical. A point comes where they literally fall into a loop of not understanding anything. So here are the reasons why this happens -

  1. You cannot understand Lecture no 4 if you have missed lecture no 3. It is true for all chapters for all lectures, if you miss a single lecture in a chapter, It is guaranteed that you will not understand the Links, and the concepts in that much detail. Because in physics we derive new things by using old ones. So if a chapter is appearing hard to you, Count how many lectures you have missed?
  2. You cannot understand a Chapter if you have skipped previous chapter (of the same branch)For eg if you have skipped Mathematical Methods (Concept of Scalars and Vectors) it is obvious that you will not understand Concept of Projectile Motion.

Since you don’t know vectors, it is nearly impossible to understand concept of laws of motion and free body diagram. Since you don’t understand concept of Forces, and resolving them you can’t understand what’s Direction of Friction and keeping same pattern you will lose hold over Full Mechanics Branch of Physics.

Physics is inter-related, you cannot study it in parts.

Hope this helps :)

Rahul Jewaani

Physics is really nothing more than a search for ultimate simplicity, but so far all we have is a kind of elegant messiness.

- By Bill Bryson